Monday, March 30, 2009

Interesting Time for a Woman

I remembered the time I became pregnant with my first child. I tried to be as informed as I can be, so I would know what to do, what to expect, what changes I will feel, the changes in my body, the diet that pregnant woman need to eat, vitamins to take, what activities I can do and not do, etc. I try to research, read books, and talk to other mothers about their experiences.

I have known that I need to have 8-10 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, since I was studying for my Masters degree in a university here in Makati, Philippines, I only have 4-6 hours of sleep. I was asked by my Ob-Gyn to take Anmum milk and Clusivol OB vitamins. I don’t have to usual morning sickness or nausea. I also drink lots of juices. But take note that there should be intervals when drinking juices and milk (acid and base).

This is also the time for you to think happy thoughts. De-stress yourself, because believe it or not, your child can acquire the feelings, emotions. Where else can the baby gets those for his development, but from the mother.